“Painting is just another way of keeping a Diary.”
- Pablo Picasso
The Blog
Painting Through Pain: My Journey as a Disabled Artist Battling Chronic Pancreatitis
My journey with chronic pancreatitis began seven years ago when I started experiencing severe abdominal pain, nausea, and weight flux. After countless doctor visits and medical tests, I was diagnosed with this debilitating and rare condition; Chronic pancreatitis not only brought physical agony but also disrupted every aspect of my life, including my ability to pursue my artistic goals…
Art vs Pancreas
Thank you to all who patiently awaited my website launch, and to everyone who asked to be notified of day-one! It has taken awhile due to illness, but THE SITE IS FINALLY LIVE!
Furby of the Forest
It was a blast modding this 1998 Tiger Electronics Furby, so fun that I can promise I’m going to do another one. But how did this Magnificent, this Fantastical Marvellous Forest Diety come to be?
Dried Flower Boxes
Lonewlf is on TikTok! This DIY will show you how to build a chic indoor flower drying box, using supplies you can get at almost any Dollar Store!
Vegvisir Tray DIY
The Vegvisir, also known as the runic compass or the Viking compass/Nordic compass made of eight Viking rune staves, is a symbol of protection and guidance believed to be used as a compass by Vikings.
Crying Cupid Collection
Created over the course of 2019, The Crying Cupid Collection is a variety of White Clay Cherub Sculptures depicted with Black Cursed Tears, Reflective of Forlorn or Lost Love.